Project Description
Specific Objective
Specifically the initiative aims to:
- Strengthen the capacity for domestic implementation of the Paris Agreement.
- Enhance transparency of emissions and climate action.
- Mainstream climate in other policy sectors, such as energy, transport, agriculture.
- Achieve the objectives of climate-related provisions of bilateral agreements with the EU and of the Energy Community Treaty through advancing their implementation.
Expected Results
- implementation and update of national determined contributions (NDCS) to the Paris agreement.
- development of mid-century low-emission development strategies (LEDS).
- introduction of robust domestic emissions monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) frameworks.
- alignment with the EU acquis included in bilateral agreements and energy community treaty on climate action.
- mainstreaming climate in sectors and sectoral guidelines for the implementation of Paris agreement.
- climate investment.
- adaptation planning: adoption and when necessary development of adaptation plans.Project documents
Project map
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Climate Ambition Forum
Climate Ambition Forum
Facing climate change