PGG III: Fostering mediation in Azerbaijan
Project Description
Specific Objective
• Increase the availability of mediation services by piloting innovative approaches to offering mediation services
• Strengthen the capacities of mediators through capacity building measures
• Raise awareness on mediation amongst judicial professionals and citizens
• Enrich the training resources of the Justice Academy on mediation based on CEPEJ tools Expected Results
2. Capacities of the Mediation Council and mediators are strengthened through tailor-made capacity building measures, as well as competences of mediation trainers are increased to provide in depth trainings / Training of Trainers.
3. Knowledge and awareness of various mediation stakeholders is increased, including judges and lawyers, with a view to supporting the recourse to mediation and the dissemination of good practices.
4. A mediation pilot is established, and the results analysed.
5. Promotion and awareness plan on mediation in Azerbaijan is developed.Project map
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