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Support to the Implementation of the Mobility Partnership with Azerbaijan (MOBILAZE 2)

Project Description
This EU-funded project aims to further support the objectives of the EU-Azerbaijan Mobility Partnership signed in 2013, to better manage migration, while respecting human rights and relevant international norms. This project, therefore, aims to support the migration authorities of Azerbaijan in efficiently managing migration by increasing the potential and skills of the national institutions responsible for migration and border management, supporting migration policy development, and improving migration statistics, research and analysis. The project also supports public awareness of migration processes in Azerbaijan. In line with the EU’s Eastern Partnership key 2020 deliverables, it focuses on further promotion of legal migration channels and mobility between the EU and Azerbaijan, integration of modern research systems on migration, border management security, as well as engagement with civil society organisations. This project also supports the objectives of the EU Joint Communication on post-2020 Eastern Partnership Policy, including stronger governance with a human rights approach, investing in people, inclusive societies and mobility. The project builds on the achievements of the first phase of the MOBILAZE project (implemented by ICMPD in 2016-2019).
Specific Objective

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to better management of the migration processes in Azerbaijan and to achieve respect for the rights of migrants – including both Azerbaijani citizens and foreign nationals. The specific objectives are:
- To improve skills and potential of relevant Azerbaijani institutions in migration policy development and implementation by providing training, workshops, study visits and developing studies on good practices;
- To assist Azerbaijani authorities in better management and monitoring of migration data collection, analysis and application;
- To provide Azerbaijani institutions with training in the area of migration and border management using modern and innovative training tools, equipment and methodologies, such as textbooks, manuals, curricula, and guidelines;
- To support Azerbaijani society in understanding migration processes by assisting the Media Centre of the State Migration Service of Azerbaijan to spread information on the state’s migration policy agenda and risks of irregular migration, as well as through the organisation of events, trainings, and other public awareness raising measures.

Expected Results
- Institutional capacities in Azerbaijan’s migration policy development and implementation are improved;
- Analytical and technical skills in the migration data collection and application in Azerbaijan are improved, and a baseline study on migration data management is developed;
- The reform of the labour migration policy of Azerbaijan is supported;
- Modern training tools and materials on migration management are developed, including a migration textbook and curriculum; migration summer schools for entry-level migration managers and young researchers are organised;
- State border officials across the country are well-equipped and trained;
- The protection of human rights at all stages of migration procedures is ensured;
- Provision of integration support to migrants, including refugees in Azerbaijan, is improved;
- The strategies for the provision of public information on migration are improved;
- Azerbaijan’s diaspora policy and communication are improved.
Project documents
Project map
Photo gallery
Priority Area:
Partnership that protects
Governance & public administration
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
EU Project Number:
ENI/2021/424-534 (EC)