“Strengthening Mandatory Health Insurance Mechanisms in Azerbaijan (Phase 2)” is seeking to recruit
“Strengthening Mandatory Health Insurance Mechanisms in Azerbaijan (Phase 2)” is seeking to recruit Language Assistant to the Resident Twinning Advisor (RTA).
Duration: up to 11 months (indicative start date: August 2023, end – June 2024)
Position is based in (170, L.Tolstoy str., Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ1000) in the premises of the State Agency for Mandatory Health Insurance (SAMHI).
Gross monthly salary: 1.500 EUR
Contract type: fixed term service contract.
The RTA Assistant will report directly and will be supervised by the RTA.
Tasks of RTA Language Assistant:
- Act as a language assistant to the RTA and assist visiting short term experts;
- Translate written materials with relation to the project in English and Azerbaijani;
- Interpret during missions; meetings, workshops, seminars, trainings and other project events;
- Developing and maintaining close working contacts and relationships with Beneficiary Country officials involved in each of the activities and the project management;
- Performing all other duties assigned e.g. cooperate and work with RTA Assistant in daily management of the project related activities.
Requirements for RTA Language Assistant:
- University degree in languages, philology, translation, and similar;
- Excellent command of spoken and written English language and Azerbaijani language;
- Language, Translation or Interpretation Studies, or important (proven) working experience as translator;
- The RTA Assistant may not have or recently (past six months) have had any contractual relation with the beneficiary administration;
- Computer literacy (e.g. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet);
- Experience in IT related translation and interpretation;
- Excellent organizational and communication skills.
The following skills will be considered an asset for RTA Language Assistant:
- Experience in EU funded projects, especially as RTA Assistant and/or Language Assistant in a Twinning project.
- Communication skills.
- Experience of working in an international environment.
- Knowledge of the Russian language.
- Team player.
The interested candidates are requested to submit their CV and a letter of motivation in English by 1st of August, 2023 via e-mail to the following addresses: gcerniauskas57@gmail.com and m.azukas@cpva.lt.Shortlisted candidates only will be invited to attend an interview. The date and place of the online interview will be additionally indicated to the shortlisted candidates.
For any further information please contact Mr. Gediminas Černiauskas, e-mail: gcerniauskas57@gmail.com, and Mr. Matas Ažukas m.azukas@cpva.lt.
The above-mentioned Twinning project is an EU funded joint project between Lithuania, represented by National Health Insurance Fund under the ministry of Health (VLK) together with Central Project Management Agency (CPVA), Azerbaijan, represented by the State Agency for Mandatory Health Insurance of Azerbaijan.
The purpose of the project is to contribute to strengthening resilience of the national health sector in Azerbaijan. With the specific objective to support the Government of Azerbaijan in improving quality, equality, efficiency, and accessibility of health services in line with European best practices.
The selected person will be a self-employed independent consultant under a Service Contract and will undertake full responsibility for the payment of all taxes and obligations deriving from the legislation in force in the Republic of Azerbaijan, including for those related to medical and social insurance. The RTA Assistant will carry his/her duties and tasks on the base of contract concluded with the CPMA and RTA.