Supporting Education Reforms & Skills in the Eastern Partnership region (SER)
Project Description
1. Rapid education diagnosis– the sector-wide analysis is based on three thematic dimensions: inequalities, financing and governance.
2. Capacity development for policy implementation – based on the rapid education diagnosis methodology, this pillar is designed to enhance capabilities for the effective implementation of sector strategies and targeted to address the challenges identified in the countries.
3. Training and peer learning at the regional level – activities under this pillar are addressing common issues across the countries and complementing country-specific expertise support.
Specific Objective
The Specific Objectives of this programme are to:
1. Improve governance of the education systems (from pre-primary until tertiary and also includes the VET system and adult learning) in the Eastern Partnership countries .
2. Strengthen capacities in evidence-based planning, management and performance monitoring in the education sector.
Expected Results
Output 1: Diagnoses of the national education sectors completed (maximum 5) (First Pillar).
Output 2: Strengthened capacities of the national administrations/institutions in governance, financing and planning of education (Second Pillar and Third Pillar).
Output 3: Increased training and peer-learning opportunities (Third Pillar).
Project documents
Project map
Photo gallery
Launch of the EU programme 'Supporting Education Reforms & Skills in the Eastern Partnership Region' and peer-learning workshop 'Use of Evidence in Education Policies', Turin, 29-31 May 2024
Regional peer-learning workshop on Teaching Excellence – Empowering Educators, Helsinki and Tallinn,17–20 September 2024
EU Support Initiatives to the Education Sector in Moldova, 19-20 November 2024