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Support to enhancement of operational capabilities and implementation of the Green Port Concept of the Port of Baku

Project Description
The project aims to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Port of Baku enabling its resilient, sustainable and integrated development by introducing standards required for the development of a sustainable health, safety and environmental protection system. It is also to support further development of the Port of Baku Training Center and the International Cooperation and Project Department.
Specific Objective
To strengthen the institutional capacity of the Port of Baku enabling its resilient, sustainable, and integrated development:
(1) to introduce standards required for the development of a sustainable health, safety, and environmental protection system;
(2) to support further development of the Port of Baku Training Center;
(3) to support further development of international cooperation and project department.
Expected Results
- Port of Baku certified for ISO 50001 (Energy Management), EcoPorts-PERS and ISO 14064-1:2018 (GHG emissions);
- Business plan for the Port of Baku Training Centre prepared and its Strategy updated;
- Three new training courses designed for the Port of Baku Training Centre;
- Training provided to Port of Baku staff on Green Port Concept, Project Management and Project Finance;
- Study Tour to EU MSs ports organised;
- Seven bankable project ideas identified for blending finance.
Baku International Sea Trade Port
Project map
Study Tour Polish Ports
Priority Area:
Partnership that greens
Environment & climate change
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
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EU Project Number: