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Strengthening mandatory health insurance mechanisms in Azerbaijan (Phase 2)

Project Description
The goal of the current Twinning Project is to strengthen the institutional capacity at the Government of Azerbaijan in the Mandatory Health Insurance (MHI) field and assure tangible gains in accessibility and quality of health care, and reduce of out of pocket payments and related poverty. The goal is also to ,to grow the productivity of health care resources in line with the Eastern Partnership (EaP) objectives and agendas of the World Health Organization (WHO), which is dedicated to strengthening health systems and finding sustainable solutions to increase their resilience and assure universal health coverage for the whole population, as well as, develop capacities to measure and monitor quality, availability, price and use of healthcare services and products. More specifically, the project aims to build capacities and provide advisory assistance to the related beneficiary institution through activities structured to work in four directions: Result 1 activities aim to improve the legal framework, and institutional capacity of Azerbaijani Governmental institutions on national and regional levels. Result 2 activities aim to improve the capacity and address the needs of State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance of Azerbaijan (SAMHI) in such fields as risk management, financial and medical audits, monitoring, and evaluation. Result 3 activities aim to improve the forecasting and planning capacity of SAMHI, which are important prerequisites for a well-functioning MHI scheme. Result 4 activities aim to facilitate the improvement of digitalization process of SAMHI system, thus contributing to the overall digital transformation of the country.
Specific Objective
The specific objective of the project is to support the Government of Azerbaijan in improving quality, equality, efficiency and accessibility of health services in line with European best practices. More specifically, the project will support the efforts of State Agency for Mandatory Health Insurance (SAMHI) by enhancing Mandatory Health Insurance (MHI) system to provide quality health care services for people. The EU support is structured in four directions: work on legal and institutional framework, financial management and risk management framework, forecasting methods and information technology framework.
Expected Results
Legal and institutional frameworks of the Mandatory Health Insurance (MHI) system are strengthened to ensure adequate, qualitative, preventive & curative health care to people.

Intermediate Results for Component 1 after Year 1 of the project:

Risk management, financial and medical audits, monitoring and evaluation systems are modernized through enhanced data collection, processing, control and reporting.

Intermediate Results for Component 2 after Year 1 of the project:

New actuarial models and forecasting methods in health insurance provisioning are developed.

Intermediate Results for Component 3 after Year 1 of the project:

Digitalization of the Mandatory Health Insurance (MHI) system is facilitated.

Intermediate Results for Component 4 after Year 1 of the project:
Project documents
Project map
Priority Area:
Partnership that empowers
Public Administration Reform
Health, Health
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
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EU Project Number: