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Eastern Partnership Integrated Border Management Capacity Building Project

The Eastern Partnership (EaP) Integrated Border Management (IBM) Capacity Building Project supports the implementation of IBM across borders in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, according to European best practices. The project focuses on capacity building and enhancing the training capacities of the national agencies involved in border management, such as border police and customs.
Konkret məqsədi
The overall objective of the project is to facilitate the movement of persons and goods across borders in the partner countries, while maintaining secure borders, through the enhancement of cooperation at national, cross-border and international levels.

Specifically, the project aims to:

- Contribute to the establishment of a modern training system in the beneficiary countries according to EU best practices, and enhance operational capacities by providing capacity building activities based on needs identified by the beneficiary institutions.
- Support the improvement of border crossing by traders, freight forwarders and passengers.
- Support the fight against corruption in the partner countries, and support improved respect for human rights for persons crossing borders.
- Where applicable, contribute to a smooth operationalisation of visa liberalisation.

Gözlənilən nəticələr
- Improvement of IBM training capacity.
- Enhancing IBM capacity through specialist training.
- Horizontal initiatives related to good governance and respect for fundamental rights.
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ŞT ölkələri:
Ermənistan, Azərbaycan, Belarus, Gürcüstan, Moldova, Ukrayna
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