Support to EU Eastern Partnership Countries to Address Asset Recovery and other Key Areas Related to Organised Criminal Activity – Phase II
This EU-funded project is set to be implemented for 36 months in the EaP region and it is Phase II of a previously implemented Action. The goal is to address and counter organized crime, especially through the enhancement of asset recovery mechanisms (both penal and non-penal). The main national authorities who will be engaged are, for example, Ministries of Justice, Prosecutor General Offices, Asset Recovery (and Management) Offices, and Financial Intelligence Units. Typical examples of technical assistance include research, capacity building, study missions, working group meetings, as well as technical advice and mentoring on pending cases.
Konkret məqsədi
The overall objective of this Action is to provide continued support to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine for the sustainable adoption of modern-day asset recovery policies and practices and to facilitate operational implementation in the recovery of proceeds of organised crime, as well as to provide both innovative and highly technical support to address evolving organised criminal activity impacting both the EaP Region and, ultimately, EU Member States.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
1. Relevant national officials will have the possibility to learn more about evolving and modern policy-related practices that improve outcomes with respect to addressing organised crime and improving the capture (and effective custody / management) of illicitly-acquired assets;
2. EaP officials will be provided with highly specialised advice and related support on how to address actual pending cases to trace and recover assets linked to organised criminal activity.
Layihə xəritəsi
Prioritet sahə:
Alt sektor:
Korrupsiya ilə mübarizə, Vətəndaş cəmiyyəti, Transsərhəd əməkdaşlıq, Şərq Tərəfdaşlığı, Ədliyyə ŞT ölkələri:
Ermənistan, Azərbaycan, Gürcüstan, Moldova, Ukrayna Layihənin statusu:
Davam edir Başlama tarixi:
01.11.2024 Bitmə tarixi:
31.10.2027 Aİ Layihə nömrəsi: