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Supporting the implementation of aviation agreements in the Eastern Partnership countries and upgrading civil aviation safety and security standards in Central Asia

The Project supports the sustainable development of civil aviation in the Eastern Partnership and Central Asian countries. It aims at upgrading regulations and working practices to reach compliance with international standards in air safety and security, and for the Eastern Partnership countries, with the requirements of the Common Aviation Area Agreements (CAAA) being negotiated or signed with the EU.
Konkret məqsədi
For Eastern Partnership countries, the objective is to ensure their effective participation in the pan-European civil aviation system.
For Central Asian countries, the objective is to support civil aviation authorities in fulfilling international obligations in terms of air safety and security.

While the project focuses mainly on safety, it also includes a €500,000 security component, which aims to achieve compliance with international aviation security standards in the field of air cargo and mail.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
- Training, peer-to-peer and on-the-spot support, as well as awareness raising.
- Dedicated initiatives on safety management and civil aviation administration management.
- Support to addressing safety findings raised by international audits.
- Support for the implementation of existing comprehensive aviation agreements, paving the way towards a Common Aviation Area.
- Support for the harmonisation of regulations and working practices with international safety and security standards.
- Workshops, mentoring and training activities on cargo and mail security.
- Aviation security audits and on-site evaluations on cargo and mail security.
Layihə xəritəsi
Foto qalereya
Prioritet sahə:
Yaradan tərəfdaşlıq
Alt sektor:
Bağlantı (nəqliyyat və enerji)
İnfrastruktur, Nəqliyyat
ŞT ölkələri:
Ermənistan, Azərbaycan, Belarus, Gürcüstan, Moldova, Ukrayna
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