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Resilient Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Region

The 24-month action will target at least 45 grassroots and mid-level CSOs from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine to provide capacity development, financial support and networking facilitation. To this end, the action will support 30-36 grassroots CSOs working in Armenia, Georgia and Moldova to gain the organisational management skills to most effectively represent their constituents. In addition, the action will assist at least 15 CSOs from more restrictive contexts to address their particular needs and support their resilience. In order to support networking both in country and across the region, the action will facilitate the creation of joint initiatives between target CSOs both in country (Armenia, Georgia, Moldova Ukraine) and within the EaP region, bringing more than 30 target CSOs together for networking and learning. Together, these efforts will support a range of CSOs from across the six target countries to effectively contribute to the region’s democratisation, recovery, and reform processes.
Konkret məqsədi
- Strengthen the role of CSOs as resilient, inclusive and trusted governance actors advancing the democratisation process in the Eastern Partnership region,
- Empower CSOs to become more effective protectors of civic space and drivers of democratisation, reform and recovery processes in the Eastern Partnership region.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
- CSOs are effective protectors of civic space and drivers of democratisation, reform and recovery processes,
- CSOs strengthen their organisational, technical, strategic communication and adaptive capacities to engage citizens in addressing priority issues, policy dialogue and advocacy initiatives,
- CSOs in restrictive regimes, countries under force majeure and in exile are resilient and more able to respond and adapt to challenges arising from changing contexts,
- CSOs collaborate at national and regional levels to jointly advance democratic processes and develop solutions to challenges in the region.
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Prioritet sahə:
Alt sektor:
Vətəndaş cəmiyyəti, Şərq Tərəfdaşlığı
ŞT ölkələri:
Ermənistan, Azərbaycan, Gürcüstan, Moldova, Ukrayna, Belarus
Layihənin statusu:
Davam edir
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