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Fostering Youth Social Entrepreneurship and Practical Career Management Skills through the innovative Social Student Companies Approach

The project’s goal is to foster youth social entrepreneurship and develop youth’s career management and digital skills and skills needed for green transition in Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and Armenia. This is done through the innovative educational concept Social Student Companies (SSC), with the involvement of civil society actors, authorities and entrepreneurs.
Through focus groups and training programmes, representatives of Civil Society Organisations (CSO) and youth centres will become competent mentors and partake in the development of the educational module, its educational materials and the establishment of online portals for SSC. This will be tested in schools, through the funding and intensive mentoring of 24 SSCs. Their opportunity to experience real social entrepreneurship will inform best- practices which will be disseminated to the national levels through awareness-raising work, integration of the SSC model into curricula and/or local school systems.

Additionally, youth affected by armed conflicts will receive additional skills and knowledge for enhancing economic and societal resilience in their communities. These activities, together with study visits to Germany and Ukraine, and the establishment of the annual Social Impact Award for the best SSC in Ukraine, will shape national and transnational SSC-networks and partnerships.
Konkret məqsədi
The overall objective of this project is to foster the active participation of youth in both democratic life and in the labour markets of Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and Armenia with a special focus on disadvantaged youth, thus contributing to sustainable and smart growth, social cohesion and reduction of inequalities in Eastern Partnership countries.

The specific objective to achieve this is to foster youth social entrepreneurship and develop youth’s career management skills, digital skills and skills needed for green transition in the project countries through the innovative educational concept of Social Student Companies (SSC), with the integral involvement of civil society actors, authorities and entrepreneurs at local, regional and national levels.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
- Implementation and mentoring of 24 student-led Social Student Companies (SSC), to prove the legitimate approach of this educational module.
- Development of 3 country-specific methodological guides, based on developed recommendations and educational learning materials, to inform stakeholders and explain step-by-step instructions on how to employ the SSC module.
- To support the Social Entrepreneurial (SE) system and to prepare them to become regional experts/mentors/multiplicators, over 170 representatives of CSOs, Youth Centres and Schools will be reached in a Training of Trainers programme, a multilateral network with CSOs and Stakeholder will be established, two study visits to UKR and GER with experts and stakeholders will take place, and a 1-day conference will take place to establish an SSC award for the pest student company.
- Reaching Ukrainian Youth, and Youth affected by the conflict – by offering them 5 newly equipped Youth Centres on the topic of SE and SSC, a Hotline on SE skills for Youth.
- An internship programme for 100 young people and a summer school on digital and green aspects will strengthen the employability of youth and raise interest/success of good internship practices.
Layihə sənədləri
Layihə xəritəsi
Prioritet sahə:
Yaradan tərəfdaşlıq, Səlahiyyətləndirən tərəfdaşlıq
Alt sektor:
Məşğulluq və sahibkarlıq, Gənclərin iştirakçılığı və liderlik
Vətəndaş cəmiyyəti, Şərq Tərəfdaşlığı, Təhsil, Ətraf mühit, Məşğulluq, Gənclər
ŞT ölkələri:
Ermənistan, Gürcüstan, Moldova, Ukrayna
Layihənin statusu:
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