Webinar on Critical Thinking
EaP Civil Society Facility invites civil society organisations from the Eastern Partnership region (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) to participate in a Webinar on Critical Thinking on Wednesday, February 17, 2021!
This webinar will address more fundamental challenges in today’s information world. During the webinar the speaker will guide you through the following questions:
- What is fact and what is fiction?
- Whom can we trust?
- How is my view of the world right – and how might it be wrong?
Using insights from logic, analytical philosophy, and cognitive psychology, you will build a toolkit to tackle some of these hard questions and help their decision-making process. You will practice some methods to:
- Avoid logical fallacies,
- Know your own biases,
- Challenge your assumptions.
This toolkit can come in handy in a variety of CSO contexts. The discussion will be based on examples that can:
- Increase impact: use logical models to design programme activities
- Challenge power: set up monitoring and accountability structures against governments and corporations.
- Improve cooperation: organise activities bringing various CSOs together on issues of common interest.
The webinar will help you learn about general strategies to improve critical thinking skills, see them applied in CSO-relevant contexts, and understand concrete methods that can increase social impact.
The Webinar will be held in English with Russian interpretation.
To attend: