Study visit within “Strengthening Institutional Capacities ofthe Agency for Quality Assurance in Education” Project
On September 25-27, a study visit to the Netherlands was held within “Strengthening Institutional Capacities of the Agency for Quality Assurance in Education” project. The Project is funded by the European Union and implemented by consortium led by the “IBF International Consulting” to assist the Agency for Quality Assurance in Education.
The topic of the study visit was experience of the Netherlands in Quality Assurance and the main object was to obtain an overview of accreditation and quality assurance processes at all levels of education, as well as recognition of foreign qualifications in Netherlands.
During the 3-day study visit, the participants held meetings with NVAO (the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders), Nuffic (the Dutch organisation for internationalisation in education) and visited Haque University of Applied Sciences. The study visit covered the Dutch Quality Assurance system, Dutch experience in recognition of foreign qualifications, the organization and role of the NVAO, involvement of stakeholders, including involvement in the governance, program and institutional accreditation in the Netherlands, internal quality assurance and enhancement, dynamics, work process and digitalization, data management systems and thematic analyses in NVAO. The participants of the study visit were four representatives from the Agency for Quality Assurance in Education.
This project is implemented under the Financing Agreement (Education for Employment in Azerbaijan) between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the European Union. “Education for Employment in Azerbaijan” (ENI/2018/041-537) Annual Action Programme 2018 is financed under European Neighbourhood Instrument. The specific objective of the project is to improve the capacities of the Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (TKTA), to develop and introduce new mechanisms on accreditation of education institutions, quality assurance processes at all educational levels, recognition of prior learning, as well as recognition of foreign qualifications in accordance with advanced European experience. The project covers activities in five directions including, strengthening regulatory framework and capacities of the TKTA on accreditation, quality assurance, supporting TKTA to apply for full ENQA membership, improving communication function and strengthening research and analytics capacity of TKTA.