SEARCH PROJECT STATUS All Completed Ongoing SELECT COUNTRY OF INTEREST RegionalAzerbaijan AREAS OF COOPERATION - Partnership that creates Economy & trade Employment and entrepreneurship Agriculture and rural development Youth (entrepreneurship & skills development) Education, Research and Innovation Connectivity (transport & energy) CulturePartnership that protects Governance & public administration Rule of law & human rights Cross-border cooperation & border management Security & conflict response Civil protectionPartnership that greens Energy & energy efficiency Environment & climate change HealthPartnership that connects Digital (broadband, mobile, eGov, digital innovation, cyber)Partnership that empowers Civil society Inclusion Communication & support to media Public Administration Reform Youth participation and leadership Mobility TOPIC AgricultureAnti-corruptionBusinessCivil protectionCivil societyCOVID-19Cross-Border CooperationCultureDialogueDigitalEastern PartnershipEducationEnergyEnvironmentGood governmentHealthHuman rightsInfrastructureJobsJusticeLocal developmentMediaMigration and mobilityPolitical relationsResearch and InnovationSecuritySkillsTransportWomenYouthCommunication EU4Energy-Promoting the Clean Energy Transition-Empowering Consumers through Better Regulation Start Date 01.01.2021 End Date 31.08.2025 READ MORE EU4Energy - Promoting the Clean Energy Transition - Energy Statistics and Policy Development Start Date 01.07.2021 End Date 30.06.2025 READ MORE EU4Energy: Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership (E5P) Start Date 01.01.2011 End Date 30.12.2029 READ MORE EU4Energy: Green for Growth Fund (GGF) Start Date 01.01.2009 End Date 31.12.2030 READ MORE 1