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Online Training Course for Youth Trainers and Facilitators (2nd season)


  • Civil society
  • Youth
  • Cross-cutting areas
  • Mobility & people-to-people contacts

A complete Training Course of Training skills and Facilitation. Certificates. Free. Made for youth who want to be a trainers and leaders. Best match to y-workers and y-leaders who dire to update their expertise as Youth Trainers and Facilitators.

Training course period and location: 1 January – 30 April 2021, Online, Luxembourg.

A complete Training Course of Training skills and Facilitation. Certificates. Free. Made for youth who want to be a trainers and leaders. Best match to y-workers and y-leaders who dire to update their expertise as Youth Trainers and Facilitators.

Training course period and location: 1 January – 30 April 2021, Online, Luxembourg.

Closing date:

Opportunity type


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