Online course on accountability in the energy sector for Eastern partner countries: Deadline extended
- Connectivity, energy efficiency, environment and climate change
- Energy & energy efficiency
- Environment & climate change
You still have time to register for the online course on accountability in the energy sector! The course is open to leaders, managers and other representatives of civil society organisations involved in energy, climate change and environmental issues, including relevant trade unions, sectoral associations and civil society activists from the Eastern partner countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine).
The course is developed by DiXi Group and Kyiv School of Energy Policy, and allows you to learn how to further strengthen your institutional capacity and sectoral expertise. It consists of four modules and includes interactive webinars, real-life examples, case studies from the energy sector and networking.
The course will run from 19 October until 23 December. The estimated study time for the core material is around four hours per week.
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You still have time to register for the online course on accountability in the energy sector! The course is open to leaders, managers and other representatives of civil society organisations involved in energy, climate change and environmental issues, including relevant trade unions, sectoral associations and civil society activists from the Eastern partner countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine).
The course is developed by DiXi Group and Kyiv School of Energy Policy, and allows you to learn how to further strengthen your institutional capacity and sectoral expertise. It consists of four modules and includes interactive webinars, real-life examples, case studies from the energy sector and networking.
The course will run from 19 October until 23 December. The estimated study time for the core material is around four hours per week.
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