Information session on “Call for mobility grants to support Artists and Cultural Professionals”
The EU-funded project #EU4Culture is organizing an information session on “Call for mobility grants to support Artists and Cultural Professionals”.
Mobility grant covers travel, accommodation, visa, & registration costs for activities such as internships, study visits, conferences (online/offline), professional development and other activities that are carried out in another country and foster knowledge exchange and intercultural dialogue.
At the event, the EU4Culture team will give potential applicants detailed information about the call and provide guidance on the application process.
An indicative and non-exhaustive list of cultural and creative sectors is as follows:
- Advertising and Marketing (PR & communication activities, Advertising)
- Architecture (Architectural activities)
- The creative gaming industry
- Creative or cultural education and/or research, Creative hubs
- Creative or traditional crafts
- Design, e.g. product, graphic and fashion design
- Film and video e.g. movie and video production, TV, radio, broadcasting
- Fine Arts e.g. photography, painting, new media art
- Gastronomy and traditional culinary industry
- Software and computer service creative software development as well as cultural and creative computer-based services
- Literature and Publishing (translation and interpretation activities)
- Museums, archives, galleries, and libraries
- Music, performing and visual arts (Sound recording & music publishing activities, cultural education, Performing arts, Artistic creation, Festivals)
Location: Online, ZOOM
Time: 24 February, 12:00 PM
Register in advance to access the event: https://goethe-institut.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIsfu2opjkvE9cmMlEEWvuGJ9nX_xoBErEA
Contact for further information: Firuza.Baghir.extern@goethe.de
EU4Culture supports artists and cultural professionals to strengthen the professional networks and interact across borders. The project is implemented by the Goethe-Institut (Lead), Czech Centers, Danish Cultural Institute, Institut Français de Géorgie.