EU4Energy: Sustainability Forum discusses CO2-free future
- Connectivity, energy efficiency, environment and climate change
- Energy & energy efficiency
- Environment & climate change
On 25 June, the Energy Community held the virtual sustainability forum ‘How to reach a decarbonised energy future’. The forum gathered ministers and deputy ministers responsible for energy, the environment and climate change from the Energy Community countries, high-level officials of the European Commission, EU Member States and Contracting Parties, as well as representatives of academia, civil society and non-governmental organisations.
The forum underlined the importance of establishing a 2030 Energy Community legislative framework to raise the share of energy from renewable sources, improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the Paris Agreement. Participants welcomed the progress made by several Contracting Parties on establishing their national energy and climate plans.
The forum also highlighted that the imminent introduction of a carbon price, coupled with the phase-out of coal-fired power plants will be one of the key drivers in the decarbonisation process.
The forum reaffirmed that civil society should be at the centre of energy transition, and underlined that energy transition must be inclusive and encourage the active participation of citizens.
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