EU4Energy: Covenant of Mayors East marks EU Sustainable Energy Week with packed programme of digital events
- Connectivity, energy efficiency, environment and climate change
- Transport
- Energy & energy efficiency
- Environment & climate change
The Covenant of Mayors East project is running a wide range of digital activities and on-line events to mark the 2020 EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) which runs from 22nd to 26th June.
These include online workshops and webinars, as well as contests and competitions aiming to raise awareness of energy efficiency and renewable energy under the EUSEW banner.
Find out more about what is going on, and how to take part in the activities being organised by visiting the Covenant of Mayors web site, or Facebook page for more details.
The EU Sustainable Energy Week brings together public authorities, private companies, NGOs and consumers to promote initiatives to save energy and move towards renewables for clean, secure and efficient power. It is the biggest event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe and organised by the European Commission. This year, for the first time, the event has gone digital under the theme ‘Beyond the crisis: clean energy for green recovery and growth’.
Find out more
Video clip of Covenant of Mayors initiative (English)
Energy days – more information