EU and UNDP support raising awareness of CSOs on climate change and its impacts on Azerbaijan
The European Union and UNDP focus on capacity building of civil society organisations (CSOs) to accelerate actions in response to climate change in Azerbaijan.
As part of the EU funded “Developing innovation-driven and sustainable civil society in Azerbaijan” project, the awareness-raising programme helps about 40 civil society organisations and activists learn more about climate risks, their consequences, and commitments taken by countries under international climate treaties.
The sessions are organised in the Ethno-Ecological Centre of Gala located in the suburbs of Baku. As part of the programme, participants discuss how climate change affects various communities and economic sectors, get introduced to adaptation strategies and work in groups to simulate international climate negotiations, and ultimately, gain a better understanding of the role of civil society in implementing
SDG 13. Climate Action.
The participants had physical visits in the old Gala area including a tour to the museums in the Gala Ethnographic Reserve.
This awareness-raising programme covers 8 full-day sessions and will continue till mid-October.
This project is funded by the EU and implemented by UNDP, and it aims to help increase CSOs capacities to engage in policy-making processes, foster local development, and promote social innovation.