Apply to join the EU4Youth Alumni Network
Young people from the EU’s Eastern partner countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine) are invited to apply to become a member of the EU4Youth Alumni Network as it enters its new cycle.
The Network brings together young graduates of EU-supported projects in order to sustain and mobilise their enthusiasm and voluntary spirit. It’s an excellent opportunity to experience youth work in practice and to connect with disadvantaged young people (further information on the term can be found here). Your work will support them as they become more active in their communities and help them to participate in future EU mobility programmes.
All members of the Network will:
● Receive mentorship support from a professional youth worker in their country of residence. The mentors guide the members throughout the implementation process.
● Implement local initiatives for disadvantaged groups in their respective communities. In addition to mentorship and administrative support, the necessary costs are covered.
● Participate in the Network’s events (online and in person), such as kick-off and mid-term meetings, thematic workshops and networking events, the IdeaLab, and the final evaluation event. In addition, all members of the Network are regularly kept informed about new learning opportunities that may be of interest, even after the end of their active membership.
● Develop their competences and gain more experience in working with young people (with a strong focus on disadvantaged youth). Members will learn how to apply participatory tools for community-needs analyses, be involved in the design of community-support activities with young people and exercise their active citizenship.
● Receive a certificate of recognition following the successful completion of their initiative(s). The certificate will be issued by the EU4Youth managing authority at the European Commission.
Applicants are expected to be:
- aged 18–35;
- passionate about working with disadvantaged young people and making a difference in their community;
- legally residing in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova or Ukraine – people who are from Belarus or Ukraine but are currently residing outside their country of origin will also be considered;
- ready to dedicate about 2–4 days a month to voluntary work within the Network;
- graduates or coordinators of an EU-funded initiative (such as Erasmus+ Youth in Action, the European Solidarity Corps, the EU4Youth programme, Young European Ambassadors, or the EaP Civil Society Fellowships programme) or another regional or national programme focused on young people and youth work;
- an experienced beneficiary of youth work activities at national or community level (or eager to gain experience);
- interested in working with disadvantaged young people and in developing competences in this field by implementing an initiative involving at least 10 young people from their community over a period of 9 months (October 2022 – June 2023).
The Network will unite up to 90 young people (around 15 from each participating country) chosen through an open selection process. Applications will be accepted until 7 September 2022 and can be made by filling out the APPLICATION FORM.
The EU4Youth Alumni Network will be managed by the EU4Youth Coordination and Support team, in close cooperation with the SALTO Eastern European and Caucasus Resource Centre’s network of Info Centres for Erasmus+ Youth in Action and the European Solidarity Corps, and the EUNEIGHBOURS East project. Connections will also be created with other regional initiatives and projects.
Find out more
EU4Youth Alumni Network: application FAQ
EU4Youth Alumni Network: key facts
September 7, 2022