Latest opportunities for the Eastern Neighbourhood
- Civil society
- Gender issues
- Freedom & independence of media
- Employment and entrepreneurship
- Agriculture and rural development
- Governance, rule of law and human rights
- Environment & climate change
- Migration and mobility
- Youth
- Education and vocational training
- Culture
- Research & Innovation
- Health
- National minorities
- Cross-cutting areas
- Economic development & market opportunities
- Strengthening Institutions & good governance
- Connectivity, energy efficiency, environment and climate change
- Mobility & people-to-people contacts
‘EU NEIGHBOURS east’ has picked out a selection of exclusive new opportunities for citizens of the Eastern Neighbourhood countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.
If you are interested jobs, internships, scholarships, competitions, conferences and events, make sure to review the list below to not miss your chance!
Jobs, traineeships, internships and volunteering opportunities
- Generic Traineeships in EU Delegations
- Generic Traineeships at the European Parliament
- Schuman (paid) traineeships at the European Parliament (Closing date: 30 June 2020)
- Traineeship at EU Delegation in Ukraine – Press and Information Section (Closing date: 30 June 2020)
- Traineeship at EU Delegation in Ukraine – Political Section (Closing date: 30 June 2020)
- Traineeship at EU Delegation in Ukraine – Trade and Economic Section (Closing date: 03 July 2020)
- European Endowment for Democracy (EED) traineeship at Programme support (Russian language) (Closing date: 05 July 2020)
- Traineeship at EU Delegation in Ukraine – Local and Human Development Operations Section (Closing date: 20 July 2020)
- ‘Women’s movement at the frontline of response to post-COVID-19 challenges in Ukraine’ Grant Competition (Closing date: 23 June 2020)
- Participate in the “Energy Management Star” competition by the ‘Covenant of Mayors East’ in Ukraine (Closing date: 26 June 2020)
- Eastern Partnership Civil Society Hackathon (Closing date: 29 June 2020)
- Last days to participate in the #EUSEW2020 Energy Days (Closing date: end of June 2020)
- Youth4Regions competition for aspiring young journalists (Closing date: 13 July 2020)
- Call for Applications: Entrepreneurship initiatives in Belarussian regions (Closing date: 31 July 2020)
- EU4Youth SEAG Project is looking for social entrepreneurs in Armenia and Georgia (Closing date: 31 July 2020)
- ‘Belarus–Poland–Ukraine’ has announced an online competition for teens, titled “Together for greener tomorrow” online competition for teens within the Belarus-Poland-Ukraine cross-border region (Closing date: 31 July 2020)
- Stipends for professionals in culture and creative industries in Ukraine (Closing date: 01 December 2020)
Trainings, Summer Schools & online courses
- On-line courses on labour policy and law-making in Ukraine (25 June – 30 July 2020)
- EU project presents online collaboration for civil society organisations in the Eastern Neighbourhood
- E-learning courses for Civil Society Organisations
- Running an Efficient Media Business: New OPEN Media Hub online course now open
- Online Courses for Civil Society Organisations in Ukraine
- Online Course in Media Management: Maximising Revenue in Print and Online News Media
- Online Course in Media Management: Digital Media: Audience Engagement
- Online Course in Content Production: Professional Production Checklist
- Online Course in Content Production: Camerawork and Editing
- Online Course covering the EU: How does the European Union work?
- Online Course covering the EU: How to report on Europe?
- Online Course for Specialised Reporting on overcoming the Challenges of Covering Migration
- Online Course for Specialised Reporting on understanding and creating in-depth content about Energy
- Cross-Border Cooperation online learning platform
- Online Course: “EU policy and implementation: making Europe work!”
- E-learning courses for Civil Society Organisations (IT, Project Preparation and Management, Organisational Development, and Skills for Policy Dialogue)
- Free Online Course “People and Government” for young Ukrainians
Call for Proposals and Tenders
- Call for proposals to support Armenia’s tourism industry during the COVID-19 pandemic (Closing date: 28 June 2020)
- ‘Civil Society Actors as Drivers of Change in South Caucasus and Moldova’ call for proposals – CSOs in Georgia (Closing date: 28 June 2020)
- ‘Civil Society Actors as Drivers of Change in South Caucasus and Moldova’ call for proposals – CSOs in Armenia (Closing date: 29 June 2020)
- ‘Civil Society Actors as Drivers of Change in South Caucasus and Moldova’ call for proposals – CSOs in Moldova (Closing date: 01 July 2020)