Fresh food producers from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine took part in innovative virtual trade fair
- Economic development & market opportunities
- Economy and trade
- Employment and entrepreneurship
- Agriculture and rural development
Fresh produce companies from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine participated in the leading international fruit and vegetable trade fair United Fresh.
Organised annually, the fair assembles people from the fresh produce industry for networking events, community receptions, conferences, webinars, meetings, on-demand education and other social gatherings. This year, due to COVID-19, the organisers set up a virtual event – the United Fresh Live.
Thanks to the EU-funded project ‘Eastern Partnership: Ready to trade’, companies and trade promotion organisations from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine presented their businesses with four virtual booths.
The Taste with Ukraine booth featured products such as frozen and freeze-dried berries, jams and marinades, organic berries, berry fillings and fillers, syrups and toppings, drinks, sweets, purees, baby food, and snacks.
A total of 17 companies from Georgia displayed their produce at the country’s Flavours of Life booth.
Similarly, the #FullFruitArmenia booth featured over 50 Armenian exporters of dried fruit, canned fruit and vegetables, herbal tea and organic products.
The Taste of Azerbaijan booth featured eight companies, including six beneficiaries of the ‘Ready to trade’ project, showing both processed fruit (fruit crisps, preserves, sauces), fresh fruit and vegetables (blueberries, tomatoes, apricots), and honey.
‘Eastern Partnership: Ready to Trade’ is an EU4Business project that helps small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) access new markets, with a focus on the EU. The project helps SMEs meet international requirements and standards, links them with buyers along the value chain, and provides them with advisory support.
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